Horizontal COURTING: Woman on Black Horse Meets Man on Red Horse The woman carries a serrated quirt, associated with the Elk Scrapers warrior society (Cowdrey 1999: 22; Afton et al. 1997: 346, fig. 27). Her braid flies behind her. She wears a choker. Her red-and-blue dress is unusually ornate in construction, with red fabric yoke and sleeves made of red stroud cloth, with white stripes (undyed selvedges) at the cuffs. The panel insets between the front and back of the dress are made of the same material. The rest of the dress is blue cloth. She wears a white sash with ornaments, probably conchos. A striped black-and-white blanket around her middle is first-phase Navajo chief�s blanket. Her leggings are uncolored, or her legs are bare. She has two stripes around her ankles. Her left hand holds a serrated quirt with two strands. Her right hand holds the reins. The horse is colored dark (black crayon), with white face and upper neck. The horse has one white �stocking� on its left rear leg. The horse rises, and the man holds one of its reins. The man wears a long German silver hairplate ornament with a blue tassel at the end. His shirt is blue, and red bands cuff each arm as arm bands. His black �skunk� blanket (see Plate 9) is wrapped around his waist. He holds a bone quirt (see Petersen: 1983, 294), and his horse rises diagonally across the page. The horse is sorrel, completely red except for dark tail and details of hooves.