Right:. Male antelope. A large yellow elk fills the page. It resembles the elk on page 51 in every detail, including the three penciled bands around the neck to indicate rough fur. According to Candace Greene, repetition of images, especially in such close proximity, is rare among ledger accounts(correspondence with Ramon Powers 1984). Media: Pencil outline and details; yellow crayon fill. Left: Two ring-necked game birds stand facing the left edge of the page. Killdeer, also known as two-ringed plovers, are found in western Kansas; they were overhunted by the end of the 19th century, but they would have been plentiful at the time this ledger was created. The identical birds stand in profile, with the one on the right larger—perhaps closer. Moore notes the killdeer's name "tohtaanotovahe" in Cheyenne literally means 'ring-neck'" (1986: 186). He reports it is "mentioned in connection with rainfall," and is known for its "unique manner of running along the ground (1986: 186). No other birds in the area have these distinct ringed necks. Ring-necked pheasants, which have only one ring, were introduced to the United States in 1881, after the creation of this ledger notebook. Both birds and antelope of these two seemingly unrelated pages have neck rings. Media: Pencil outline and details; black ink fill