Wild Hog Ledger-Kansas State Historical Society Provenance

BIRDS: Two Golden Eagles; CAMP: Two Painted Tipis

The cover inscription reads: "Pictures drawn by Wild Hog and other northern Cheyenne Indian Chiefs while in the Dodge City jail in May 1879," with the signature "Jas. Clayton." James H. Clayton served as a clerk to the Kansas Legislature's 1879 Indian Claims Commission. His widow, Dora A. Clayton, dontated this ledger notebook to the Kansas State Historical Society in 1939.This is one of four extant ledger notebooks made by one or more survivors of the Fort Robinson break-out while awaiting trial in Dodge City (1879). The others are the Northern Cheyenne Ledger-Kansas State Historical Society; Wild Hog-Schoyen; and Porcupine-Schoyen. All of these are posted on the PILA site.

Wild Hog, Porcupine, Tangle Hair, Old Crow, Strong Left Hand,Noisy Walker, and Blacksmith are named in 1879 Kansas legal proceedings; other variations in documents include: Run Fast, Frizzly Head, Young Man, Old Man, Crow
Document Info
Media: Colored pencil, lead pencil, watercolor, iink
Dimensions: 3.25 x 5 in (8.5 x 12.75 cm)
Total Plates: 61
Total Pages: 82
Kansas State Historical Society
Image Source