Right: Blank Left: This is one of the more striking drawings in the notebooks. Two men drive two skunks before them. The skunks flee—they are not curled around in the attack position. The men are in the dominant right-hand half of the page. The men have outstretched arms with fingers open wide, and one holds a stick. They do not hold hunting weapons. Both are in black shirts and leggings and clouts. Both wear red sashes. Both have the left vertical half of their faces painted red. The men’s clouts and sashes swing to the right side to indicate rapid motion. The skunks, whose tails are raised, are outlined in pencil with stripes left uncolored and the rest of their fur indicated with black ink fill. Their feet are drawn with two claws, and their ears are pricked. The two men successfully chase off the mammals without being sprayed. Peter Powell’s description is: “Two men who are evidently surprised by skunks or are chasing them away” (Correspondence with Ramon Powers, 1984). Media: Figure outlines and details are lead pencil; fill is black ink, smudged, and red watercolor.