Wild Hog Ledger-Kansas State Historical Society

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BIRDS: Two Golden Eagles; CAMP: Two Painted Tipis

Ethnographic Notes

Right: Two other plates in this ledger have similar birds—15 and 34. These birds have distinct tailfeathers, each drawn individually. The beaks of these dark-colored, somewhat striped (pencil) birds are prominent. The three talons are proportionately large. They resemble the “striped eagle” in Making Medicine's 1875 "Fowls of Indian Territory" drawing (National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian, Washington D.C., Neg. No. 55,036, dated 1875). John H. Moore describes the “war eagles” in “The Ornithology of Cheyenne Religionists” (Plains Anthropologist 1986: 177-92). Moore reports Eagles are "maheonevekseo" or "holy" birds in Cheyenne taxonomy (1986: 182). Left: Two painted tipis with open smokehole flaps. Outline and tipi poles are drawn in pencil. The right-hand tepee has black smokehole flap; the lower two-thirds is blue with red scallops around the bottom and upper edge as a border; three vertical black lines (or trails) connect upper red scallop to the corresponding lower red semi-circle or scallop. Pencil parallel lines emit from the smokehole area, probably smoke (Petersen, 1983: 272) or possibly “vocal sounds” (Petersen, 1983: 274). The tipi on the left has a red smokehole area. Its lower two-thirds is black, with blue semicircles or scallops at top and bottom of the black area. Blue semi-circles are placed exactly like the other tIpi, except no lines connect them. Media: Lead pencil outlines with pencil, red watercolor, black ink, and blue-crayon details.

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The cover inscription reads: "Pictures drawn by Wild Hog and other northern Cheyenne Indian Chiefs while in th...

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Document Info
Plate No: 36
Page No: 68-69
Media: Lead pencil, water color, crayon, ink
Dimensions: 3.25 x 5 in (8.5 x 12.75 cm)
Kansas Historical Society/kansasmemory.org
Wild Hog
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