Arrow kills one of the hated Whiteman hunting dogs. Compare Plates 32 & 70. The deep chest on this animal suggests it might be a mastiff, rather than one of the Scottish stag hounds depicted earlier. The dog's pendant teats indicate that a litter of puppies of the same vicious breed will not survive to be set upon Cheyenne children.
Arrow has come upon the dog unexpectedly, however---the bay has been prepared for hard riding, with its tail braided, but not wrapped and decorated for war, indicating that there was no expectation of conflict. Arrow's standard feather is tied to the horse's tail.
Arrow's moccasins are the same ones worn in Plates 142 & 154. The shirt is probably repeated from Plate 144. An unusual detail is the white linen vest. His breechcloth is a new one, with just the edges bound in blue silk ribbon. The leggings are of undecorated, dark blue trade cloth.
Arrow has his usual, otter fur hair wraps, and string of brass beads trailing down from the crown. His scalplock is tied at the bottom with the same, narrow strips of otter seen in Plates 1, 13 & 144. The herb packet on his brass-bead bandolier hangs down beside his knee. A new accoutrement is the domestic cowtail pendant tied to his scalplock, acquired in dramatic fashion in Plate 140.