Hampton Institute Drawings - Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

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Nº14 The Fox Hunt

Ethnographic Notes

“Nov. 24” 1879./ This man try to kill/ that Fox. if he kill that/ Fox. he gont take the skin/ and saleit” (Artist”s inscription, verso)

“A fox hunt is the subject of this drawing. The mounted hunter, pistol hidden behind his back, chases after the fleeing fox. He is accompanied by his two dogs. All the action occurs in front of a vast panoramic landscape which dominates the upper half of the drawing. In fact, as much attention is lavished on various landscape elements as is devoted to the depiction of the hunter's clothing, the texture of the fox's fur, and the horse's mane and tail. In this respect Henry Fisherman goes far beyond any of the other artists represented here in rendering landscape.” (p.30)

William S. Wierzbowski and Helen M. Mangelsdorf in Images of a Vanished Life: Plains Indian Drawing from the Collection of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1985.

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Drawings made in 1879 by students at the Hampton Institute, Virginia. Donated to the Pennsylvania Academy of ...

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Document Info
Plate No: 25
Page No: 1982_X_165
Media: Pencil, ink, colored ink?, watercolor, colored pencil on cream tagboard
Dimensions: 9 1/2 x 12 in.
Credit line: Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia.
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