This name glyph is almost certainly that of Mio-say-ni-eh, Spread Wing Woman, shown on the 1881 census as the 10-year-old daughter of Good Walker and Little Woman. In 1887 she would have been sixteen---just the right age for our young lothario. She is richly garbed in a dress of striped silk, with a nickel-silver concho belt over the striped Mexican blanket wrapped around her waist. Two similar, fringed blankets appear in the late-1880s photo shown in Figure 13. Two others are seen in Figure 19. Note also that in addition to basic black, red and blue pencils, the artist has now acquired yellow to enliven his compositions. 7
The girl's rich clothing indicates that she is the daughter of a leading family, which is the reason the artist has been careful to include her name glyph---unlike the other, less prestigious companions on Pages 12 - 32