Plates 20 and 21 are a nearly identical set of four drawings. They are more stylized than realistic. Each man resembles all other men in cross-hatched shirts in this ledger booklet, with the exception of Plate 2 (that man wears a solid shirt). Each of the four men has these identical characteristic: cross-hatched shirt, probably gingham fabric; unbraided long hair; red facepaint covering his face; outstretched arms. The hunters in plates 2, 14, 19, and 22 also have completely red faces. The quirt used by the fourth man on each horse is identical to the quirt in scenes with other men on horses in this ledger. The alternation of red and blue appears in these four drawings, similar to the tipis (Plates 3 and 4) and birds (Plates 10 and 13) of alternating blue and red in this ledger. See Plate 3 for further discussion of the blue (or gray or black) and red dyad. p. 36 GROUP, Four Men on a Blue Horse. Four men in red crosshatched (gingham or striped cloth) tops ride a single blue horse. The horse's length is exaggerated to accommodate so many figures. The horse rises diagonally across the page, so its rear hooves are not on the image. The men's faces are painted entirely red, and their hair is loose. The overlap each other, so only the first (farthest right) has both outstretched arms showing. He holds a quirt in his left hand, which touches the horse's rear. Only one arm of the other men show. The last man (farthest left) holds the horse�s reins. All the men have one red blanket trade cloth with undyed selvedge edges covering their lower bodies and rising behind them. This could indicate all are wrapped in one or more red blanket. Or perhaps this is a saddle blanket. No breechclouts or legs are visible. Media: Lead pencil outline and details; red and blue crayon detail and fill p. 37 GROUP, Four Men on a Red Horse This image is almost identical to page 36. Four men in blue crosshatched shirts ride a red horse. The horse's head is uncolored, so it appears white or blaze. Two blankets are visible: blue trade cloth with undyed selvedge edges, for the last two men, and red with undyed selvedge edges for the first two men mounted on the horse. All other details are identical. Media: Lead pencil outline and details; red and blue crayon detail and fill
I would guess these men are going courting. Their horses' tails are not tied up for war. They have courting blankets.
Linea Sundstrom
9/4/12, 4:08 PM
Now, these are interesting! Any ideas?