Vertical COURTING: Woman in Eagle Headdress and Holding Banner Lance Faces Man in Blue Blanket with Beaded Strip The woman on the right wears a dress of polka-dot design with wide belt. Her braid, outlined in blue, hangs down he front of her dress. She has a plaid or gingham shawl wrapped around her middle with fringe. The bottom of the dress shows below that--dark strouding, with inset panels of dark strouding, edged in white (undyed selvedges). Her uncolored legs have three stripes (trails) around the ankles. She wears the single trail eagle bonnet similar to that seen in plates 24, 39, and 40. Twenty-eight immature golden eagle feathers are distinct, and they are attached to red cloth (indicated by a red line). The end of the headdress reaches off the right-hand, lower corner of the page. The woman�s arms are outstretched, and in her right hand, she holds a banner lance�a red lance with numerous black-tipped feathers mounted on it. The large metal tip points down. Women sometimes wore their male relatives� war honors for ceremonial occasions. The man facing her has a blue-wrapped braid hanging down his shoulder. He wears a long German silver hairplate ornament that reaches below his feet on the page. A single immature golden eagle feather is attached at the scalplock. The man wears a glue blanket with undyed selvedge edges sewn together to create a strip down the back. Further ornament is the beaded medicine wheel design, horizontal across the middle. See the discussion of Lakota-style courting blankets, Plate 46. The man�s leggings are beaded in a blue-and-white block style (See Benson Lanford, 2003: 163, fig. 15 for an example of this pattern on a war shirt. This pattern may appear in ledgers as black-and-white or blue-and-white.) The man�s exaggeratedly long breech cloth ends, in dark strouding, reach bellow his feet in the back.