Vertical COURTING: Man with Eagle-Feather Fan Faces Woman in Blue Blanket The suitor in the right-hand position carries a fan with four red-tipped immature golden-eagle feathers, red handle, and two red streamers, seen in this ledger (Plates 28, 30, 50). Such fans "were carried in the hands of men and women during formal and ceremonial occasions" (Lanford: 2003, 183). His face is painted half red, vertically. He wears a long German silver hairplate ornament that falls to his feet and ends with two red streamers. Stripes at his neck indicate a hairpipe breastplate ornament. His �skunk� blanket (see Plate 9) is dark with undyed, white stripe and hem. He wears the striped, dark pants seen in most other plates of t his ledger. One of his breechclout flaps is this color as well, and the one that falls behind him and below the blanket is red with a white end. The woman also has half her face painted red, the vertical side closest to the hairline. She wears five strands of beads. Her long braid falls over her shoulder. Her blanket is blue, and her leggings match the man�s.