Vertical COURTING: Man in Red-Dotted Blanket Faces Woman in Second-Phase Chief�s Blanket before a Tipi The couple face each other and stand in front of a blue tipi. An outline glyph floats above the man's head, a partial profile of a head. The mans visible braid is wrapped in otter fur. A long German silver hairplate ornament hangs from his scalplock to below the blanket. He wears a hairpipe breastplate. His blanket is light-colored with red dots (water color). His leggings are dark trade cloth with a vertical strip up the seam of each leg. His long breechclouts, reaching below his feet, are of the same material. The saber of the inside cover (Plate 2) �floats� (a ledger convention) between the man and woman, hilt pointed toward the woman. Two streamers with attached immature golden eagle feathers ornament the saber. The woman wears red facepaint along the vertical hairline. Her braid falls over her shoulder onto the striped blanket, second-phase Navajo chief�s blanket. Dark dress tabs show below the blanket. Her legs are painted with five stripes or �trails� (see discussion Plate 3). The tipi behind them has a white smokehole area with open flap and five poles. The rest of the tipi is blue, with a bottom border of black, white, black blue, and then a row of small, white circles.